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  Understanding CAT
Principles on which Computer-assisted Trading is based
Short-term price movements are entirely random
Who will use CAT
Brokerage firms/ Service providers
Account Executives/ Portfolio Managers
Retail Investors/
Active Traders
Asset and Fund Managers
Computer simulation
Psychological factor

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4. smartLIMIT
smartLIMIT allows the investor to trade securities depending on whether they out- or underperform a market index.
smartLIMITcontinuously compares bid (or ask) quotes of a stock to a chosen index.

The user is informed when the stock either out- or underperforms the index by the specified amount (%).

Client enters limit order
Order is executed when limit is reached.
Problem: Execution is mostly dependent on market swings.

Client enters order to buy when stock underperforms a market index by ..%
Order continuously compared to the market index
User is informed when stock has underperformed market by ..%
How it works:

smartLIMIT is simple to use
NOTE  It also helps avoid a traditional disadvantage of the limit order -  buying into a falling market or selling into a rising one.

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